NEWS: Brian Pillman's Son Following in his Father's Footsteps

NEWS: Legendary WWE Superstar Brian Pillman passed away suddenly and tragically in 1997. At the time, his son, who share's his father's name was only 4 years old. Brian Pillman is now 22 years old and is following in his father's footsteps by pursuing a career in professional wrestling.
"Growing up, I thought, he's going to be forgotten by the time I'm 24, before I get settled in and can even consider this as a career," Pillman expressed.
As he grew older, the young Pillman discovered that no one has forgotten his father. The 22 year old Pillman went on to state that he wouldn't be a carbon copy of his father; but,
"The plan is to follow in his footsteps for sure and maintain that high flying style. His love is scattered all throughout the world, and I just want to go to each and every one of those places and pick that up and connect with those fans, because, I'm a product of them. I'm a product of those fans, and I'm going to fulfill the fans dreams of becoming a star. Just to see that I've come full circle and I'm back to pursuing his dream, I think he would be very proud."
Keep your eye out for Brian Pillman. If he's anything like his father, and we assume he is, there will be no stopping this young up and comer.
