NEWS: Cena's Instagram Strikes Again

NEWS: Just when I thought I was out, you go and pull me back in. John Cena is causing more waves with his Instagram account. Cheap Heat Wrestling earlier reported that Cena posted CM Punk's Avatar, leading hundred of Internet wrestling marks to spread rumors like Punk was returning or Cena was leaving, both obviously facetious. This morning Cena posted a photo of none other than the Phenom himself, the Undertaker. While the wrestling world is abuzz with rumors that Cena just posted his WrestleMania opponent, we should all remember that Cena is currently injured, with a serious shoulder injury and is not yet expected to return before WrestleMania. No matter how much Cena wills himself to return, the WWE takes injuries (and injury precautions) extremely serious these days. Additionally, Sting, who is close to being at full strength, is very much in the running to wrestle the Undertaker in what could be Sting's last match ever.
