NEWS: Lana Garners More Backstage Heat

NEWS: According to former wrestler Konnan, Lana has new backstage heat due to a recent incident with Rusev at an airport. On the MLW Podcast, Konnan stated that Lana berated Rusev publicly and that Rusev apparently took the verbal dress down like a trained Russian bear. This happened in the presence of other wrestlers who came away feeling terrible for Rusev and thinking lowly of Lana. Obviously in a relatively small locker room filled with many tight-knit friends, word gets around quickly and word has gone around that Lana is simply not a nice person to be around. This is Lana's third major incident involving backstage heat. The first included leaking her engagement to Rusev to TMZ, while she was involved in a storyline relationship with Dolph Ziggler and an on-screen feud with her real life fiancĂ©, Rusev. The second was publicly outing Paige as an NXT bully on Twitter, which drew the ire of Paige and many other wrestlers backstage. Apparently Lana is no victim and Paige might not be the bully after all.
