NEWS: Tough Enough Winner Draws Major Heat from WWE Roster
NEWS: In what appears to be a momentary lapse of judgment, this year's Tough Enough winner Josh Bredl (now known as Bronson Matthews in NXT) took to Twitter to poke fun of Heath Slater's new stable, the Social Outcasts.
Bredl/Matthews tweeted the following, "Yup.. I like it.. #SocialJobbers." The tweet was then quickly removed; but, not before drawing a very negative reaction from Bredl's fellow WWE Superstars:
Bredl/Matthews tweeted the following, "Yup.. I like it.. #SocialJobbers." The tweet was then quickly removed; but, not before drawing a very negative reaction from Bredl's fellow WWE Superstars:
NXT alum Kevin Owens even got in on the action, along with NXT star Bull Dempsey:
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