NEWS: Colt Cabana Laments Lawsuit & Controversial CM Punk Podcast
On a recent edition of the Art of Wrestling podcast, Colt Cabana commented on his current legal troubles,
"I'm a little bummed out about stuff I don't even want to talk about. I will eventually....maybe. I'm talking with my lawyers today and that's an ongoing thing. I'm still in this lawsuit. It's been over two years now. It's adding up in every way. It's very hard. I don't know if anyone has dealt with this; but, you do it and you get totally down and then you forget about it and have the time of your're smiling, you're laughing...and then you get a call and an update. This is something that weighs on me everyday and will affect the rest of my life. I can't really go much into it. I wish I could; but, if you're feeling for me, it was all done because of a podcast, so continue to listen. Make it worth it. I'm not sure if it was [worth it]; but, we will move forward."Cabana and his once long-time friend, CM Punk, are being sued by WWE doctor, Dr. Chris Amann. After leaving the WWE, Punk took to Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast and accused Amann of medical negligence and malpractice. Amann has since taken the two to court for defamation of character. Punk recently made the following comments on Amann's lawsuit,
"It’s designed to get me to spend money. That’s what it’s doing, so it’s just a source of stress that I just need to get out from under. I have good days and I have bad days. Yeah, there’s a finish line for sure, but it’s the way these things work. It’s a bunch of B.S.”If Punk is correct on Amann's lawsuit design, it is apparently working as it has taken a toll on his friendship with Colt Cabana and on each of their respective wallets as well, with Cabana having a much thinner wallet than his former best friend. CM Punk recently made one million dollars for a two minute MMA fight. For Cabana, legal fees alone are an exorbitant expense; but, Dr. Amann is seeking more than $1 million in compensatory damages as well as an undetermined amount of punitive damages. Amann's legal team recently called Punk and Cabana's comments,
"Highly offensive in that they accuse him of a gross lack of integrity as a medical doctor, an inability to perform his professional duties as a medical doctor, and in placing the financial interest of his employer above life-threatening health conditions of his patients.”Cabana is obviously frustrated with his current legal troubles; but, according to legal experts, barring an unlikely settlement, this case won't see a resolution until 2018 or beyond.

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