NEWS: Titus O'Neil Sued Over WWE Swerved Incident
NEWS: WWE Superstar and 2015 MEGA Celebrity Dad of the Year recipient, Titus O'Neil, is being sued for a WWE Swerved incident. Cameraman Donald Anderson is suing the WWE Superstar after a WWE Network Swerved prank went wrong. In 2015, the WWE thought it would be a good idea to literally shock the 6'6" 270 pound former Florida football star. O'Neil was subject to an electric shock prank; but, when the shocks became too intense for O'Neil, he apparently lost it and attacked Anderson, kicking the camera out of his hand, causing several injuries to Anderson's hands, fingers, and wrist. Anderson is suing for more than $1.2 million in damages. This isn't the first time O'Neil has been in trouble for getting physical with someone in the WWE. O'Neil was suspended in February of 2016, after getting too grabby with his boss, Vince McMahon, live on WWE RAW. O'Neil has yet to comment on the latest incident.

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