NEWS: G.L.O.W. Coming to Netflix
NEWS: G.L.O.W., the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, took the world of professional wrestling by storm in the 1980s. With big hair and neon spandex galore, 80s wrestling fans were amazed by an entire roster of dominating talented female wrestling stars. G.L.O.W. has already received the documentary treatment with the award winning The Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Now comes word that G.L.O.W. is coming to Netflix, at least in dramatic form. The league, which has been defunct since 1992 will be dramatized and fictionalized as a new Netflix television series simply entitled GLOW. The comedic show will have fun with some of G.L.O.W.'s most over the top characters like Brunhilda, Matilda the Hun, Babe the Farmer’s Daughter, and Big Bad Mamma, a Papa Shango-like witch who would cast spells on her opponents. The first 10 episode season will star Mad Men's Alison Brie, and debut on June 23, 2017 exclusively on NetFlix.
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