NEWS: Ric Flair Clears the Air on Fort Wayne Bar Incident
NEWS: Last week, while in Fort Wayne for Heroes and Legends VIII, two-time WWE Hall of Famer, Ric Flair, was involved in a rather unpleasant altercation at Fort Wayne's Gas House bar. According to the bartender, bar owner, and other patrons, Flair was belligerent and was eventually asked to leave the establishment. Flair sat down with ESPN's Dan LeBatard and told his side of the story,
"I walked in, said to the guy, 'Will you please put on the golf tournament?' It's only the Masters, right? He said, 'What do you think this is, a sports bar?' 'I didn't say it was a sports bar, I asked you to put on The Masters.' I had only had one drink, I asked for another drink, he takes [the same] glass and [puts the] ice in and starts pouring in the same glass. 'Sir, doesn't a premium drink require a new glass?' And he goes 'Are you telling me how to bartend?"'And I said, 'Not if I don't have to, dumba--.' 'Did you call me a dumba--?' 'I can call you a dumba--, or a fat a--. Both work."
An anonymous Gas House employee disputes Flair's version,
"Ric Flair was acting like a complete moron. He called one of the bar employees a dumb a** and a fat a**."
That's when Gas House manager Laurie Schrader stepped in and according to her Flair continued being belligerent, so she asked him to leave. According to witnesses, Flair did eventually comply. Before leaving the bar, other witnesses claim Flair was screaming,
"I will have you out of the job,"
to the bartender. This isn't Flair's first incident involving alcohol. Flair was escorted out of a Boston air port last year after exhibiting bizarre behavior. Many within the WWE have been concerned about Flair's party lifestyle for quite sometime now and there is no word yet on how the Company plans to handle this latest incident.

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